Sudoku by Paul Parks
- Touch any cell or use the arrow keys to select a cell.
- To enter a number, touch one of the number buttons or type a number.
- To enter a hint, touch the ✏ button or hold the SHIFT key while typing a number.
- To clear a cell, touch the ❌ button or press the DELETE key or BACKSPACE key.
- To restart the game, touch the "Restart" button.
- To generate a new game, select a difficulty from the drop-down, then touch the "New" button.
- To create a game of your own, touch the "Editor" button.
- To remove this help text, touch the ❓ button or press the ? key.
Game state is saved in the browser history. Use your browser's back and forward functions to undo and redo entries.
To share your game with someone, simply share the current page. All of the clues, hints, and number entries will be preserved.
Licensed under MIT License. Source available on GitHub.